Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Row Cover

Oh, the signs of spring!  Like the couch somebody dumped on the side of our road because the line of trucks and trailers waiting to dispose of winter yard debris in the landfill is a mile long!  Or, the planting of much needed grass seed over 200 bulbs because it needed to be done and the weather was perfect!

Seriously, the neighbors accomplished many things this weekend.  We removed two loads downed branches, weeded several beds, and distributed compost.  Chicken manure and leaf rot were used to refill the compost piles.  A new raised bed for strawberries was laid out, and a footer started for an upcoming outdoor fireplace.

Pictured here is our first row cover.  We found that, by sawing off two feet of the 10-foot plastic poles, the row is shorter and stronger, and, hence, more wind resistant.  The fabric fits better too.  Inside is a companion planting of broccoli and bok choi above onions and potatoes.  With overnight temperatures well below freezing still, it is hard to imagine the seedlings will survive.  However, we agreed to make this our experiment.  On Friday we will open the cover to check on them.  If they are lost, we can install more seedlings, or seed the area with radishes, carrots, and lettuce.

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